Tag: Penelope Cruz
Penelope Cruz – Twice Born
Penelope lies on a bed, her pokey nipples visible through her shirt for a fleeting moment as a guy tugs her pants off. She waits for him, then wraps her legs around him as they have sex, her shirt and socks still on. In another scene, Penelope Cruz shares a moment with a guy who kisses her while sliding her dress down, then removes her bra, revealing her bare breasts. He kisses his way down her stomach, and she leans back against a post as he presses his lips to her right breast. They move to a sofa, where they have sex, the guy positioned on top of her. Afterward, there’s a brief glimpse of Penelope lying on her stomach, her left breast partially visible as she props herself up on her elbows, fully naked. In a different moment from the 2012 film Twice Born (AKA Venuto al mondo), Penelope Cruz is seen lying on her back, viewed from above. Her shirt is pulled up, exposing her right breast, while her left nipple pokes through the fabric. She holds a baby on her stomach.
Penelope Cruz – Broken Embraces
Penelope Cruz passionately kisses a man as he slides the straps of her dress down her shoulders, revealing a generous glimpse of her left breast. The scene shifts to them tumbling onto the floor, entangled in the throes of sex, with her left nipple briefly coming into view at least once during their vigorous rolling. Later, Penelope Cruz is seen writhing beneath white sheets with the same man as they continue their intimate encounter. She eventually emerges from under the covers, offering a clear view of her bare breasts as she lies on her back, breathless and panting. The camera lingers for one final topless moment as she walks into the bathroom, pausing to gaze at herself in the mirror. In another scene, Penelope Cruz displays striking cleavage in a bra while standing in a bathroom, leaning over the sink to splash water on an injured elbow. A man enters and strikes up a conversation with her as she tends to the wound. From the 2009 film Broken Embraces (original title: Los abrazos rotos).
Penelope Cruz – Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
In a scene from the 2001 movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Penelope Cruz is assisted by a man in removing her shirt, exposing a sheer undershirt beneath. She then reclines as he peels off the undershirt as well, leaving her bare breasts visible. The man proceeds to kiss her neck, trailing his lips down her chest.
Penelope Cruz – Vanilla Sky
Penelope Cruz, reclining topless on a couch, proudly displays her stunning breasts while playfully messing around with Tom Cruise in a scene from the 2001 film Vanilla Sky.
Penelope Cruz – Jamón, jamón
Okay, you're in the desert and Penelope Cruz is letting you suck her glorious breasties.
Penelope Cruz – Ma Ma
Penélope Cruz lying on her back topless as a doctor examines her right breast, rubbing against the side of it with his fingers. We then see Penélope with her arms crossed across her chest afterward...