Keira Knightley, Sarah Marecek and Anna Thalbach – A Dangerous Method (2011)
Keira Knightley has a nude scene in A Dangerous Method, which came out in 2011, where she reveals her breasts. Sarah Marecek also appears nude in the film, confidently showing off her breasts. Plus, there’s a scene featuring Anna Thalbach, who adds to the mix with her own sexy moments.
Keira Knightley – The Hole
Keira Knightley has a nude scene in the 2001 film The Hole, where she reveals her small breasts.
Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller – The Edge Of Love
Keira Knightley has a nude scene in The Edge of Love, which came out in 2008, where she reveals her breasts. Sienna Miller also appears nude in the film, confidently showing off her butt and breasts.
Keira Knightley – Doctor Zhivago
Keira Knightley has a nude scene in the 2002 version of Doctor Zhivago. In this particular scene, she reveals her breasts during a romantic moment. While there isn't a lot of nudity overall, she definitely brings a sexy vibe to the film, and we get a glimpse of some side boob too.