Tag: The Deuce (TV Series)

Created by George Pelecanos and David Simon, who also collaborated on HBO’s “The Wire” and “Treme,” the semifictional drama series “The Deuce” tells of the germination of the sex-trade industry in the heart of New York’s Times Square. It’s the early 1970s, and the porn business begins a shift from organized crime-backed parlors to a legitimate, culturally accepted enterprise. A cast of barkeeps, prostitutes, pimps, police and nightlife seekers centers around twins Vincent and Frankie Martino (James Franco, in a dual role), who navigate the sex business after meeting well-connected mobster Rudy Pipilo. Their storyline, among others, merges with that of prostitute Candy, whose ambition and intelligence lead her to a more prominent role in the industry.

Maggie Gyllenhaal – The Deuce – S01E07

Maggie bares all three Bs after getting banged from behind by a guy!

Maggie Gyllenhaal – The Deuce – S01E04

Maggie Gyllenhaal - The Deuce - S01E04

Michelle Bobe – The Deuce – S01E03

Michelle Bobe - The Deuce - S01E03

Olivia Luccardi and Kayla Foster – The Deuce – S01E04

Olivia Luccardi and Kayla Foster - The Deuce - S01E04

Maggie Gyllenhaal – The Deuce – S01E03

Maggie Gyllenhaal - The Deuce - S01E03

Jamie Neumann – The Deuce – S01E02

Amazing, well lit fully nude scene from Jamie as she poses for a photographer! Lots of boobs, buns, and hairy bush.

Emily Meade – The Deuce – S01E02

Emily gets pounded by a dude on a bed and we get a great look at her breasts as they talk afterwards.